Wednesday, August 7, 2024

MONOCLE MAN GALLERY Artist Of the Month OF January SymmetrySkyline

 My Biography Summertryskyline ( . S  y  m . ) 

Azure blue  SymmetrySkyline

To create a work of art is to create the world.” by Kandinsky. Quote i Found That fits this photo

paradise  this next photo is called 

  • “A cow is an epitome of grace, dignity, and gentle strength.” – Unknown

Quote i found for this lovely photo

i truly love this photo.

My Second Life adventure began in 2010, and is divided into two phases, 2010-2014 and December, 2020 to current.  Between the two phases, I left SL for about six years with no intention of ever returning.  In late 2020, I decided to login and see if there was anything left in SL for me.

Flying over the States this Lovely photo is called
the Quote i picked for this Photo
The Wright brothers invented flying as a relief from the monotony of their normal …


The early SL years for me were much like anyone else, a bit of building, a bit of socializing, some shopping.  The most enjoyable times I had were performing erotic readings live in voice at several venues.

long train to nowhere
this photo is called
 Quote  is so fitting for this 
photo. "The journey matters more than the destination, just like a train ride." - Anonymous

There is one thing I must say in preface to my SL photography journey that follows.  Firstly, I'm a writer, not a photographer.  I can look in the mirror and comfortably admit that I will never achieve greatness in the field of photography.  I am in unbridled awe of the magnificent talent that RL and SL photographers possess, and I'm just thrilled that these masters let a novice like me play in their back garden from time to time.

When I returned to SL in late 2020, things were different, and I had to relearn everything.  In 2021, I found Flickr and was amazed at the beautiful images that others had been creating in SL for many years.  Of course, I had absolutely no idea how these images were created.  I asked questions and watched videos in an attempt to learn the magic of SL photography - it was challenging because I was late to the game that everyone already knew how to play.  Additionally, a [former] friend was quite critical of my initial photo attempts, and, after several months, I quit.  I felt like I’d never improve and just gave up, the cycle of attempting and quitting repeated several times over more than a year.  Finally, in July, 2023, I decided to focus on improving for myself, regardless of whether anyone liked my photos or not.  I moved to a new Flickr account and began posting photos without scrutiny.  It took me hours to take the photos, select the best, decide how to edit, and post on Flickr.  I was up until midnight several nights, then getting up for work at 5am the next morning.  My expectations were low, I had to assume that everyone on Flickr would think that my photos were as crappy as my ex-friend had said.  But, something amazing happened, over the days and weeks I’ve received Flickr faves and follows, and some nice comments that gave me enough confidence to continue my journey. 

Let it Snow this wonderful photo is called
the Quote  that fits this wonderful photo

  • "The sky, tired of light, has given everything to the snow." — Robert Walser

Anyone who has seen my Flickr account will tell you I haven't settled on a personal style, and I'm fine with that - I may never have a defined style.  The way my photography improves is little by little, then all at once - like the gradual slipping and then massive jerks of tectonic plates.  I love monochrome and color, landscape and portrait, nature and street, closeup and wide angle.  One thing I know for sure is that I enjoy taking photos, and I don't want to ever stop improving or learning new techniques.  My goal with every photo I take is for the viewer to FEEL full-on, in your face, emotion - Passion!

I'm overjoyed that my amazing friend, Kap, surprised me with an invitation to debut my virtual photography at his gallery in early 2024.  I'm in debt to those who have mentored, supported, and encouraged me on my SL photography journey, and my way of paying that forward is to openly share knowledge and encourage others.

Loss this photo is called 2 Quoted that fit  this photo.
i truly love this one

Thank you so much for reading my biography.  Be well.

Quote i found that fits this photo 

The Dancer   

following my own path.

conjuring nirvana.

learning to sit with uncertainty.

living in questions, rather than answers.

choosing survival over healing.

embracing impermanence.

training the dragon in my heart.                                       trying to find a way to make the day go by... 

reflecting on the mind - so excitable,

so uncertain, so difficult to control.

walking in trauma… the journey of my lifetime.

exploring this nondualistic universe. 

surrounded by mystery.

inhale love… exhale doubt.

❣️ 💙 📷 🕉 🐄 🐾 🐎 💋 🌼 ❄ ️🎼 ✍ ️💕 ️✨  Quote for this photo

                                                                                     The piano is a classic instrument that has been idolized for centuries. Check out these piano quotes that will inspire you to sit down and play a melody.

a soldier of peace

in the army of love.

This is an exhibit of my recent photography, everything you see is from 2024.  My photos are taken using Firestorm viewer, and are quite minimally edited in Gimp.



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Sym Sky ~ a/k/a Az...Bleu Photography


Thank you For Sharing your Art with us 
Azure Blue


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