Sunday, August 4, 2024

MONOCLE MAN GALLERY Artist Of the Month OF December edrdng.rhode

     Ed.   Monocle Man Gallery Artist of December 2024

My Second Life journey began in 2007 when I watched a U2inSL concert on YouTube. The experience sparked my interest, and I was captivated by the idea of interacting with people from around the world. I have always enjoyed exploring new places, taking photographs, and sharing them on Flickr along with the SLurls. Despite my busy real life, I continue to explore Second Life, capture images, and share locations whenever I can. I’m fortunate to have Dora as a companion in my SL adventures; we have a great time creating blog images together, and I’m learning a lot from her!

One of eds photos one my favs
by him.

Quote i found fits this photo
  1. “Boating with friends is always knot-ty fun!”

Thank you for your interest in my photography! I hope you enjoy my images.

Ed Rhode

You can also visit my Flickr to see more of my work:

  1. “The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” \
  2. quote that fits this photo above.
Be the lighthouse, shine for others when they are in darkness." Life is like a lighthouse—it guides the lost and warms the found.

Quote i found for this photo

“I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you "

       Quote for this photo

Life is like sailing a boat – you need to adjust your sails to catch the wind.    

Thank you to Ed for sharing his story with us 

Monocle Man Team

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